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Woofers and Weddings

Well...didn’t August come around quickly? I don’t know if I’ve stopped at all this month! D’arts fest was a success and was enjoyed by everyone, what a great festival! Such a lovely environment for all to relax in.

We’ve just finished our second wedding of the summer, with two more coming up in August. There is something very special sharing the farm with a couple on their BIG I get to eat plenty of cake and our delicious pork from the hog roast! No injuries reported from the barn dance, just a few sore heads the next morning. It was so much fun and our legs ached for about a week afterwards.

We’ve had a lot of educational visits over the past month or so, so the farm will feel very quiet over August without them. With our ‘Natural Learners’ last week we learnt all about our hedgerows. Did you know that there is almost enough farmland hedgerows to touch the moon. Just a mere 384,400km.

The farm team have been busy. Our silage is all wrapped and ready for the winter feed. The pigs have been moved into a bigger field and they were pretty happy about this. Andy went on holiday which meant that obviously a big group of cows escaped! Thankfully the whole team were on the case and got them back safely. Andy doesn’t know about this so if everyone could just not mention it, that would be amazing. Our team is pretty large at the moment. We have four woofers from France and Switzerland. It’s such a huge help having them here, especially in the summer. They’ve been tending to our pumpkins and all this rain and sun has made it an overgrown weed heaven….so plenty for them to do!

This Month on the farm we also have Calm and Create workshops for families. For more info conact Helen Wilson on 01392 882036.

As ever the farm shop is full of treats.. Why not try a pasture fed beef topside joint marinated in yogurt, turmeric, cayenne or mustard, seasoning, garlic and lemon zest and cooked on the BBQ. We are offering 20% off all our frozen meat this month so the perfect time to have a try.

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