Our Sheep

Rare breeds reared in high welfare conditions
Whilst we have a history of raising cattle on the farm, Andy Bragg who's now retired, passed the baton
onto tenant farmers Kate and Simon. They not only care for Hereford 'X' cattle they've also introduced
Devon Closewools and Exmoor Horns to the fold. This flock are not only incredibly hardy, they have a
curious, look-you-right-in-the-eye character and charming docile manner.
Our flock of Devon Closewool and Exmoor Horn Sheep

Kate and Simon have long been interested in handsome rare breeds. With changing climate conditions, Devon Closewool and Exmoor Horns make the ideal moorland breed for the wet hills
and valleys of West Town Farm. ​
With a new flock of ewes and two rams, we're looking forward to many abundant Spring
seasons of lambs.
The flock spend the year outside grazing our wild meadows and herbal leys whilst being fed additional supplements of xxxx in Winter.
Being moorland sheep, they have adapted over hundreds of years to become incredibly resilient in harsh weather. They can withstand high rainfall without much foot trouble and require little feed inputs or housing due to their quality fleece. Their wool is both robust and hard wearing, thus suitable for clothing such as socks and outer garments as well as carpets and mattresses.

These rare breeds are incredible to watch in Spring as the ewes are notorious for being caring and protective mothers to their ridiculously charismatic offspring (much like their faithful shepherd, Kate).
Of course, when the time comes, Devon Closewool and Exmoor Horns are prized for their succulent taste and texture. Not only is the meat far superior in taste and nutrition than industrially farmed imports, they are a beautiful species to witness within our landscape. They make the perfect team mate, helping us steward the land, care for both soil and wildlife and ultimately provide high quality and nutritious food for the local community.
Photo credit: Julie Smith